
What You Eat Might Be More Spiritually Important Than You Think

“The food we eat contributes so much to our overall health. You probably know this by now, but maybe you just haven’t attached too much importance to it yet. Here’s why you should”.

Before I go on I just want to appreciate everyone who has been reading what I write, it’s been amonth now (wow) and I’m so grateful to God and humbled by the responses I have received. I’m thanking everyone who took time out to read, repost, help or advice me on this journey. I really appreciate it. That’s out of the way now, so I’m moving to what’s on my mind today.

You probably know by now that there are foods which are good for you and there are foods which aren’t, and you can give examples of each group. The food we eat contributes so much to our overall health. You probably know this by now as well, but maybe you just haven’t attached too much importance to it yet. Here’s why you should.

Our major goals as Christians involve the spiritual, however this is no call to reject the physical side of us. God’s wish for us is that we prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospers. Our God wants us to be good all-round. For one to be able to accomplish the things God has planned and go where He sends, the person has to be physically well, right?

God has created us with a power to choose, He can influence our choices but He doesn’t force His will down our throats. Likewise, He is not going to come down from heaven to force us to eat well, it’s something we have to do ourselves. You definitely do not want to fall sick because of unhealthy eating, and then turn around and start crying to God to heal you. He already gave you the power to prevent you from getting to that point in the first place.

A lot of us have heard the “your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit ” verse a couple of times (it’s in 1 Corithians ,6:19). Sure, it is used mostly to teach against sexual immorality, but I also believe that this verse gives us an idea of how God wants us to value our bodies and what enters it. I believe we would still want to keep our temples clean and fresh in every respect after many years. This means that empty calories (foods adding little or no nutritional value) should have no business in your system on a day-to-day basis. It means that you have to drink enough water daily. We really cannot afford to eating whatever whenever and treat the carriers of the Holy Spirit (i.e. our bodies) like garbage.

Bad eating habits can lead to weight gain, and being overweight or obese increases a person’s risk of having so many illnesses later on, that’s another huge topic. Don’t think you’re off the hook if you don’t gain weight either, your outside might still look fine if you eat junk for years, but your insides will not thank you for it in years to come. The point is that it doesn’t do your body good either way.

My dad told me this once: “If you take care of your body for the first forty years, your body will take care of you for the next forty”. Healthy eating helps you to age better. My mum is someone I know that has been eating right for years, I know she doesn’t really use that much skincare products,she is in her fifties and I (and almost everyone else) find it hard to believe because of how nice she looks.

It’s not only about what we eat, how and when we eat also matters. Some of us don’t eat a good breakfast, and find ourselves weak or sleepy or unable to concentrate in class or at work. Then when this happens we begin to feel like the enemy is attacking. It could be due to strikes from your ‘village people’, or it could just be that your brain does not have enough fuel for the day because you skipped breakfast. We can pray all we want (like “Lord help me concentrate in class/have energy for the day ahead/not sleep during church”) but if we don’t do the needful we might not see the results of our praying.

There are so many benefits of consistently eating right, I kid you not. Your body is getting what it needs to function, so it’s going to treat you so well. You’ll think better, you feel better, the list goes on. Going into that will make this too long, so I’ll leave a link here if you want to know more. You can also do your own research.

Lord knows I’m definitely speaking to myself here, because I need to do better too. I’m here to encourage you to treat your body like it was wonderfully and fearfully made, because it is. Please make a decision (if you haven’t) to eat well all (or at least most of) the time, and try and keep to it. Remember, the point is not to jump from one ridiculous diet plan and/or starve yourself, it’s about making better food choices everyday.

Stay blessed.

If you have any questions to ask me please feel free to comment.

Also, any suggestions are warmly welcome. Help me to help you (lol).

Photo edited by: Sope Sogunle

Photo source:

By Ada & Her Tune.

Ada&HerTune is here for you!
If you are in search of a safe space to read honest and authentic life stories, learn a couple of life lessons along the way and maybe share yours, then my blog is definitely for you.
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Fun fact: the name of my blog was coined from an incorrect pronunciation of my names and, looking back now, there couldn't have been a better option when I begun this blog in 2018. This blog is me, it is my gift to you. I hope you receive it warmly with open arms.
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4 replies on “What You Eat Might Be More Spiritually Important Than You Think”

If this isn’t major shade of my entire diet life I don’t know what is!

Can someone unable to discipline their diet even fast ? They either keep breaking early or rather not fast at all.
The Bible speaks of the people who make their bellies their God. It goes way beyond bad health and even into idol-worship and not having the fruit of self-control ..

God help us the foodies 😫

Liked by 1 person

This is nice …
I like to use the bible verse that says God wants us to prosper and be in good health as our soul prospers.
And your diet would determine your health in a lot of ways
Well-done done Ada


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